Naruko AMPM Super Triple HA Hydrating Souffle review

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Tara says:

    That cream does sound interesting, but I think it sounds like it will be too heavy and oily for my own combo/oily skin. I agree with you that this will be better for those with dry skin :D I’ve been seeing Naruko pop up thanks to you, so I want to look more into that company! ^_^ I hope those who win the sweepstake are happy with it!

  2. auna says:

    I love reading about skincare lines that I might have otherwise never heard of. This sounds great I need to check them out thank you so much for sharing.

    xx Auna |

  3. Sounds really lovely! It sounds like this would be wonderful for my combo/dry skin but I’m in Canada so can’t enter. Love the comparison details you provided. x

    Ann-Marie |

  4. Floortje says:

    Sounds great! Love your romantic photography by the way :-)



  5. Elisa says:

    the consistency of this product looks like a dream for people with normal to dry skin but i knew i’d prefer to stay away from moisturizer that looks this thick. this is also why i don’t use hydrating serum or essence and facial oil because i’m always scared of my combo skin getting oilier and greasy so i always stick to toner and moisturizer and that’s it lol. sometimes, i find that products meant for combination skin don’t always work the way i want them to and instead, make my skin even oilier. for instance, the innisfree green tea balancing is said to be for combo skin and the instruction says to use toner, serum, lotion (which has a runny, cream texture like the hada labo milk) and then the cream and it made me go wtf because urgh, can’t imagine slathering those all the time! instead, i opt to use toner + cream at night and toner + “lotion” during the day. and even then, i only use a pea-sized of the lotion and cream during the day and night time respectively.

    i’m always so scared of creamy looking skincare products and get so skeptical when they’re said to work for combo skin! Lol, i know combo skin needs hydration too but seriously, cream consistency freaks me out! :P i do plan on trying out jojoba oil to control sebum production though but haven’t got the chance to try that out.

    • Jenny says:

      Korean skincare usually contains a lot of steps, so I’m not surprised they recommend that. Most serums are very light (some even feel like water), so they shouldn’t be causing skin to get oilier. I also noticed Korean skincare products tend to be on the richer end, even those meant for combination skin, and I wonder if it’s because of the climate differences. I don’t think Korea is that hot + humid, certainly not compared countries further south, and climate definitely has an impact on the condition of our skin.

      I’m a little hesitant when it comes to creamy products as well, but some actually turn out to be very fast absorbing and light. Maybe find products targeting oily skin (rather than combination skin), and just layer up on areas that are drier?

  6. Sounds like it’d be awesome for dry skin. I might do okay with it since I don’t do a lot with my skin really.

    • Jenny says:

      Yep! From my experience this cream definitely works better if you have a simple routine (or really dry skin). Or you can always use it for your body! I recently discovered that it makes a fantastic foot cream!

  7. Sakura says:

    I just joined the sweepstakes and hopefully will win that!

  8. Annette says:

    Thanks for the comparisons, I love when I can get a a sense of perspective for how a product holds up to another. I never see other people do this! I’ve been following for a couple weeks and you’ve helped convince me that when my Moisture Surge is out Im going to try out the Naruko Rose Cream. It seems right up my alley.

    PS: Not sure if it’s just me but I’m not seeing instructions for the giveaway?

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Annette, so glad you found the comparison helpful! I will continue to do this in future reviews then :) The Rose cream is really nice all around, hope you enjoy it!

      Sorry about the giveaway form issue! It’s showing up for me now and I added a direct link just in case. Let me know if you’re still having trouble entering!

  9. Cat L. says:

    Jenny, great job reviewing this cream! I love how you compared it to other moisturizers and rated it at the end. Well done, I’m thinking I should incorporate this system in my own reviews as well. Now on to the cream: you had me at 3 kinds of hyaluronic acid. My skin simply adores anything with hyaluronic acid and this cream sounds so lovely. Will definitely enter the giveaway!

    ~ Cat L.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Cat! The comparison was a last minute idea so I’m glad you found it helpful! I updated the review a bit after finding out hyaluronic acid should only be used at a 1% concentration, so it appearing in the middle of the ingredient list is no longer a negative for me :) Also, I think there was an issue with giveaway form not showing up, so let me know if you’re have trouble entering!

  10. This sounds heaven send for my dry skin even though my t-zone has been producing oil recently, no idea why the sudden change though. I’m in Canada so unfortunately for me I can’t participate in the giveaway but good luck to everyone else who could.

    • Jenny says:

      Sorry, I wish I could open this up to all readers :( I believe a Naruko has an online store in Canada so you can definitely check out the product there!

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