A closer look at Odacité Skincare (and why I’m a big fan)

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Emily says:

    I’ve never heard of this brand before but they sound really great! Definitely going to check them out. What a great story about her being a cancer survivor too. Love how people can put their negative experiences in to something greater! And I know what you mean about not repurchasing products haha. I have to REALLY like something, because all I want to do is try new stuff! ;p

    -Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks for reading and commenting Emily! The founder’s inspiring story was a huge selling point for me as well, it really adds a personal touch to the brand that makes it more affable :)

  2. Oh, how come I haven’t heard of this brand before, at least I don’t think I have. I have a few skincare products I’m trying to finish up before I go and purchase anything else but I will keep this brand in mind for sure. Thanks for sharing Hun! x

    Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com

    • Jenny says:

      You’re welcome Ann-Marie, and thank you so much for reading! I’m glad I was able to introduce you to this brand, hopefully you’ll have a great experience if you try it out!

  3. These look so promising, I’m definitely going to look into this brand. I agree, as a blogger I definitely want to try lesser-known brands… I just feel that if I’m writing a review I want to contribute something new to the discussion, and it’s easier to feel like you’re adding value if you’re one of the first to review rather than the 200th =).

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks for reading Camilla! And yes, that’s exactly my mindset when it comes to reviewing products! Even I find it boring to write about something that everyone and their mamas have already talked about :P

  4. Mili says:

    I love the backstory behind the brand <3 It's inspiring to hear how she took her experience with something as terrible as cancer and turned it into something positive and beautiful! That's crazy that the minis you bought were so small but at least you got enough use out of them to figure out which worked and which didn't. And 3 days shipped is a seriously impressive time frame! I've never heard of the brand before but I'll have to give them a look. I'm happy to hear that they're available via Nordstrom!

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for reading Mili! I think the story behind the brand definitely made me appreciate the products even more, especially since my mom is a cancer survivor herself :) The minis are tiny, but I feel like it was still a better value than investing in the full-sizes that may or may not work for my skin. Plus with the 3 free samples you get with each order (from their official site), it’s a great way to test out products that aren’t in any of the discovery kits!

  5. Kiran says:

    I have been hearing a bit of buzz about this skincare brand so I am excited. I love the story behind it too, it is so inspiring and just nice to hear how one woman’s battle turned into a kickass company that helps other people. That is seriously amazing, thank you for sharing, I am always looking for new skin stuff to try. Great post xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for reading and commenting Kiran! I love the story behind Odacite as well, it’s very inspiring, plus their customer service is fantastic!

  6. Idoia says:

    I have been lately really interest in Odacité, reading some reviews raving about them made me really curious.
    I didn’t know we could order sample kits, that’s amazing! Definitely a good way to discover a brand and, like it happened to you, discover what works and doesn’t for your skin. You won me over this brand when you said your husband also noticed tho! They really are oblivious of the skin omg.

    I think I will order the discovery kit next month, debating between the sensitive or oily/combo one.
    Ohh and your not definitely alone in wanting to try “less known brands”, I think we are al a little bit guilty of that x] But where’s the magic in using something you know will work? jajaja

    • Jenny says:

      Haha, men are truly oblivious when it comes to the finer details, but that makes them great for testing whether or not a product works :) More skincare brands should release sample kits – I hate committing to a full-sized product before knowing whether or not it’ll work with my skin. I hope if you do try them you’ll get amazing results as well!

  7. Gloria says:

    The size of the serum in the discovery kit is um… tiny. Very tiny. And knowing clumsy me I’m afraid I’d drop it and end up spilling everything >__< But other than that this brand seems really promising! I've never liked oils before, but you've convinced me that I need to give Odacite a try. I can't decide between the Oily/Combo and Sensitive discovery kit though- both of them sound like they contain serums that my skin would like. Maybe I'll go with the oily/combo and see if I can get free samples of the Sensitive Skin Ca+C and Skin Energy Bl+J. The other two serums in the sensitive kit seem a bit meh to me as well. Thanks for the review Jenny!

    • Jenny says:

      Haha, yeah, the size was definitely a huge shock, good thing you only need a drop at a time, plus the small amount also helps minimize the oily feeling!

      The Ca+C and Bl+J are available as free samples, so I’d go with the oily/combo set! Im quite curious about the included oils so if you do get it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on them!

  8. Tara says:

    Oooooh! I don’t know this brand at all, but now I am intrigued. I like the more natural skincare that are cruelty-free and without the nasties if possible, so brands that do that is always awesome for me! Even better if they are good products :) I get you about the mainstream aspect, but I think I still prefer what’s popular because I know it works for the most part XD But there are definitely some products out there that are over-hyped, and it leaves me feeling very disappointed when I try it X_X;

    I am intrigued by the Oily/Combo set. I also looked on their website, and they will ship to my address, so even better! I’ll definitely look into them in the near future :D

    Also, your comment about your husband cracked me up. If even a guy can compliment on your skin, then you know it’s a winner! XD

    • Jenny says:

      There’s definitely a reassurance in buying more popular products because like you said, you know they’ll probably work! I guess they’re just less fun to review (and read about), because it’s been done so many times already :P

      If you do try the combo set let me know how you like it! There are a couple serums in there I’m really curious about!

  9. Cat L. says:

    Jenny, I am sold on the discovery set for sensitive skin! Odacite is a brand I have seen on IG quite a lot over the past few months and I must admit I was won over by the story of the brand’s creator, Valerie. I think it definitely speaks about the ethos of this skincare range. I know what you mean about the small size of the serums, but that seems to be the going trend in the skincare industry. Luckily, a little goes a long way with serums and oils in general. Thank you for such a detailed and thorough review! Beautiful photos as always!

    ~ Cat L.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Cat, glad you enjoyed the post! I love when there’s an inspiring story behind the brand as well, makes you feel like they’re really trying to make a difference in our skin (and health) rather than just money :) Now that you mention it, I do notice product sizes getting smaller now, and hopefully it’s because companies are focusing on quality instead of quantity!

  10. Andreanne says:

    Your photos are stunning as usual! I’ve actually never heard of this brand but I’ll have to check it out now…I mean if even your husband noticed a difference, it must be amazing!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Andreanne! I feel like that should be my new gold standard for skincare: whether or not the husband notices and improvement!

  11. This range has been making waves in the skincare / beauty world! I’m so keen to try this out particularly because I’ve been loving targeted treatments compared to a “one product fixes all” type of products!

    If your husband said that (and men barely notice things!) I thnk I’m convinced that I need to give these a try!

    • Jenny says:

      I feel the same way, especially because I have combination skin, so one product fixes all never works out well for me!

      Haha, my husband noticing was what led me to repurchasing their products ASAP!

  12. I’m really loving your posts on this brand as I started to notice them recently. I do have a huge ton of skincare to finish so I probably won’t be purchasing anything soon but definitely a brand to consider further down this year. Great review!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Shireen! I’ve been so impressed by them I couldn’t help it! I want to buy more of their serums, but my current stash is holding me back as well.

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