4 skincare lies that we need to stop believing

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Susanne says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Especially for number one. this is a brilliant and so well needed post. I’m so tired of people hyping about “chemicals” and how “toxic” they are. I totally trust well researched ingredients a lot more than i do more “natural” but less researched agents. People today don’t understand how the dose actually decide IF something is toxic, people trust bloggers more than science (which is a super scary trend), and it’s like everything has to be black or white. I happily use Mary Kay products with well researched stuff like parabens and salicylic acid (which is why I use it, it has cured my acne), I definitely want to use fluoride in my toothpaste, etc, but I also love to use natural soaps and shampoo bars for my hair – but mainly to avoid buying products that come in plastic packaging.

  2. Ultimately, one must do their due diligence. I think a lot of people don’t properly research and rely solely on (one) magazine or media for their information. I think you also need to listen to your body and skin, just like how a lot of people say veganism is the ONLY way to be healthy … erm, no! My body needs more substantial nutrients but I can abstain from other foods occasionally that cause an unfavourable reaction to my body, etc. I actually used to be vegetarian for 14 years and now I am not, ironically had to switch for health reasons, haha. enjoyed this post.

  3. Amy says:

    Love this! There are so many myths, perpetuated by marketing, it makes it hard to know what to think sometimes.

  4. Lovee the flatlay it looks perfect haha and can’t agree more with this post x


  5. Naya says:

    Great article here, Jenny! I have to agree, skincare is not so black/white. I am no expert, but I listen to my skin. So if it doesn’t like a certain formula/ingredient, I try to stay away from it. Lol at satan’s tears – I actually apply that 1$ Nivea cream after every swimming session and it is the only thing that saves me after literally spending one hour with my face dunked in chlorine.


    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Naya! I totally agree, it’s so important that we listen more to our skin and not blindly follow everything we read! And that’s awesome that the Nivea creme works so well for you, it’s truly a classic for a reason!

  6. Laura says:

    My favorite skincare lie is that you shouldn’t wear makeup/skincare etc every day because “skin needs to *breathe*”. Pores. Do. Not. Breathe. Of course you can give your skin a break and apply less product, but the breathing aspect makes me cringe.

    Personally I like to use physical sunscreen as I feel they’re safer, my skin loves physical sunscreens. Recently I’ve come across information that ‘chemical’ sunscreens might pollute the ocean? Will research this more before making any statements. :P

    • Jenny says:

      Lol the skin needing to breathe makes me laugh because it’s just absurd when you think about it. Shouldn’t that mean we should all get naked or else we’d be suffocating our skin with our clothes?

      I’ve actually been using physical sunscreen more as well and some are quite nice, though I still need my chemical ones when I’ll be out all day. I believe the info about polluting the ocean/killing the coral reefs is true, I think Hawaii banned sunscreens with that ingredient, though I think most of the European/Asian formulas don’t include it. It’s just the US formulas that are still using horrible ingredients sadly :(

  7. This is fantastic post Jenny! Nothing is absolute and making informed decisions is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Though I have switched largely to clean beauty products I would never say that natural is always better and you’re so right that there is no need to pit chemical against natural. One thing that always gets me is when people think that they get enough sun protection from their makeup. I always tell people that just because your foundation has SPF doesn’t mean that it provides adequate protection because you’d have to use so much of it. And don’t get me started on the whole it’s okay when products burn on your skin because that means they’re working. Just no!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Rowena! Goodness the spf in foundation irks me to no end, I feel like brands are doing customers a huge disfavor and giving them a false sense of security by doing this! The burning thing is horrible too, I fell for that before and my skin definitely paid the price!

  8. I have seen all of the above and just recently got into a real fight with a coworker (a physician) who let his daughter run around without SPF because he had forgotten theirs at home and when I offered to share ours, told me off for using “dangerous chemicals” on my children. he was adamant that letting her burn in the sun was better than using a (kids friendly, alcohol and fragrance free European) SPF that used mixed filters. I usually never comment on the way other people raise their kids, but when he told ME off for endangering my children, I simply couldn’t keep quiet.

    Anne – Linda, Libra, Loca

    • Jenny says:

      What a terrible thing for your coworker to say!! Good for you for speaking up, I hope you told him what an irresponsible parent he was for letting his kids burn in the sun!

  9. I nodded my head a lot while reading through this post! YOu’re so right and will be sharing this!

  10. Jennifer Q says:

    I enjoyed this post, I have alot to learn when it comes to skincare.

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