Second time’s a charm: the Activist Skincare Custom Hyaluronic Acid Serum review

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. I know what you mean about a lot of serums feeling sticky. I hate that. This serum sounds good. Sometimes products take time. Glad you saw results.

  2. Alyssa says:

    Glad to know the new formula now works on you :) I do layering but sometimes I’m too lazy for it. I think I may need something like this on times I feel lazy especially when on vacation.

    Wishing you all a magical and blissful holiday! ❤

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Alyssa, happy New Year! I’ve definitely gotten lazier with layering, plus I find my skin just prefers less products, so this is just what my skin needs!

  3. Sharon Elsie says:

    I never heard of this before but I love the sound of it than it agrees with sensitive skin. I love it also because it so simple and you can customise it too. This is definitely a skincare product I should absolutely try. Great post.
    Sharon Elsie |

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you Sharon! That really is the beauty of the brand, they also have a facial oil you can customize, which I think is fantastic as well.

  4. This sounds like my kind of treatment as I am not into a million-step care routine although currently trying that to see if it works :) I really like the fact that it can be tailored to different skin types and needs, so will check it out when my current hyaluronic acid runs out. Thanks a lot for sharing!

    Saida | She talks Glam

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for reading Saida! I love a simple routine as well and this serum was absolutely perfect in that sense, plus they have the most amazing customer service! Definitely recommend checking them out!

  5. AB says:

    Expensive but I have to say, skincare is extremely important which I only realised recently after gettng a but of adult acne. I guess I was taking my skin resiliency for granted. Your review is very detailed and helpful!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much! I agree, investing in your skin really does pay off in the long run, something I’m really starting to notice now that I’m older! ???? Also, I just updated the blog post with some more details from the founder regarding their pricing to hopefully shed more light on the subject!

  6. Caitlin says:

    Very expensive but it looks like it is worth it!

  7. Kay (shoesandglitter) says:

    Very expensive, but I would say that good skincare is definitely worth investing in. It’s really cool how they customised it for you, also! I like the ingredients included and it sounds like it’s really effective – most products take a while to bring any visible results, but it’s always worth sticking to! Thanks for sharing this incredibly thorough review, lovely. <3 xoxo


    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Kay! The founder actually emailed me after seeing everyone’s reaction to the pricing (which is totally understandable!) to provide some more details on the rationale behind their prices, and I’ve added those details to the post if you’re curious!

  8. Alyssa says:

    That serum sounds great, but you’re right, the price kinda turns me off.

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY | K-Beauty Skincare + Makeup Giveaway

  9. Veron says:

    Wow. With the line up of ingredients it would surely work. Centella cream is working wonders for me at the moment.

    Joy to the World

  10. I never heard of this before. I defiantly like the sound of it especially if it agrees with sensitive skin. Since I tend to always read labels and watch what I tend to use :)

    • Jenny says:

      My skin is on the sensitive side now as well, and if anything this has made my skin less prone to sensitivity! They avoid using any ingredients that can irritate or sensitize the skin in the long run, so definitely great for those with a more delicate skin barrier!

  11. You already piqued my curiosity about Activist when you first introduced the brand here. This has definitely kicked it up again :D After trying a more minimal routine earlier this year that actually worked I think I might be open to switching it up between a pared down routine and multi product one just to give myself a break every so often. I saved so much time. Even if one doesn’t go for a custom serum the roster of ingredients they use sounds impressive. And honestly I wouldn’t mind paying a little more for a product that really works ;)

    • Jenny says:

      I totally agree with you on minimal routines! I’m back on a more complex one now due to some products I’m testing, and I honestly miss the simplicity of using just a few products!

  12. Becky says:

    i think a lot of people don’t account for skincare needing time to act! myself included, lol – i think i’m just spoiled by masks where you can see and feel instant results, haha. agreed that the price isn’t for me, though – but when i have a disposable income, i’d probably zip right to this since i love me some customizable beauty.

    becky @ star violet

    • Jenny says:

      Me too! It took me a while to learn that skincare products take time, and I’m pretty sure I’ve ruled out some legitimately good products because of my impatience ???? Honestly 5 years ago I would’ve struggled to splurge $89 for a single product as well, so I totally understand where you’re coming from!

  13. Shireen says:

    This does sounds like a great all in one serum but the price though. I am one who loves layering my skincare and use different products daily depending on how my skin feels so I’m giving this a pass.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    • Jenny says:

      I used to love mixing and matching as well, but now that I’m back to that routine, I honestly miss the simplicity (and effectiveness!) of this serum! Trust me, I didn’t think I could commit either…until now ????

  14. Sal UmmBaby says:

    This sounds like the perfect combination of ingredients and really a all-in-one serum for when you don’t have time or don’t like many steps in your routine. I love the packaging too which looks super chic though that side spill from pipettes is always so annoying. My hands aren’t steady enough haha! I would definitely assume this isn’t an overnight miracle worker but rather a maintenance and protection product and I am so glad to learn about it xxx

    • Jenny says:

      Always happy to share what works with you guys! And honestly now that I’m back on a more complex routine (ie. more layering), I really miss the simplicity of using just this serum!

  15. That really is an impressive ingredient list. I wouldn’t want to miss on your customized actives, especially the high content of niacin amide makes it worth splurging. And in the mornings a multipurpose product is very welcome. I do love layering but when I need to get myself and two kids ready and out the door, something needs to give…

    Anne – Linda, Libra, Loca

    • Jenny says:

      Yes, this definitely was a lifesaver in the mornings, especially since I tend to hit the snooze button one too many times leaving me in a time crunch to get ready. Will definitely need this when I have kids!

  16. Hannah says:

    Even though I am not a big skincare freak, I would love this because I want my skincare routine to be super simple. I love how you can customize this too! Thanks for pointing out that it takes a month, because I tend to be really impatient and left wondering what is improving my skin vs. what isn’t working (which is why I am not huge on skincare, lol)

    Hannah the Mad Dog

    • Jenny says:

      I think this can be a great option for someone who’s not huge on skincare, as you don’t need to browse through the millions of options on the market, you can get something tailored to fit your exact needs! The key is definitely patience though, something I’ve learned through the years! ????

  17. WHOA! You can create custom, bespoke serums!? Now that’s a skincare idea I can absolutely get behind! I did my first laser facial today and I feel like I want to get all the best skincare possible for my skin :) I’m glad this serum is much more in line with what you’re looking for. It can be super tricky to find something that works and I’m glad it eventually worked out for you especially when it was offered out of a gesture of goodwill!!

    Stephanie |

    • Jenny says:

      I was so blown away when I heard about their products, and honestly it makes so much more sense when you think about it! If you try the serum I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!

  18. I’m really hoping to discover more skincare next year. I have a lot of learn about skincare, but I have dry skin and really want to find out what works best for me.

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty

  19. Sam says:

    Wow, it’s so nice they offered to reformulate free of charge! I agree, I think this would be perfect if you had a more minimal skincare routine, something I wish I had. Currently, mine is just… a bit erratic, lol. My foray into the skincare world is relatively new, and boy did I jump in, so I’m just figuring out what works for me. Love that it doesn’t leave that stickiness behind, something my current hydrating serum does!

    Sam / My Beauty Cloud

    • Jenny says:

      I was the same way when I really started getting into skincare, but I think it’s all part of the learning process – figuring out what works and what doesn’t! Now I’m less about experimenting (unless I’m actively testing something) and more about keeping things simple, so this serum fits that need perfectly!

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