Post-sun skincare with COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Sarah says:

    Hi! Would you recommend applying this before or after a cream based retinol? Thanks!

    • Jenny says:

      You can do both! Applying it before helps provide a buffer between your skin and retinol, I recommend this to minimize potential irritations. Applying it after helps moisturize your skin and prevent dryness without impacting the strength of the retinol. Hope this helps!

  2. Moony says:

    I actually adore how minimalist, clinical and straightforward the packaging is (i color coded with stickers on top to set them apart), but its defnitely a contrast from all my cute packaging and don’t mind a cute little Mr. Rx peeking at me either. >_< Ahhh, I just started using the stuff after no allergy reaction and I am freaking amazed at how it made active breakouts less red and flatter.

    • Jenny says:

      That’s such a smart idea! The bottles do look so similar that I often get them mixed up. Glad to hear this is working so well for you!

  3. Kristen says:

    I also use the Cosrx advanced snail 96 mucin. I feel like it helped with my acne and scars, but for some reason my skin still has a lot of texture. When I apply products during my regimen my skin is soon smooth but when I look into the mirror I can see the texture in the bathroom and sun lighting. I have no idea what it is and acids don’t seem to help. They are pimples that’s for sure. Do you know how I could get rid of that?

    • Jenny says:

      Just curious but what type of acids are you using? AHAs like glycolic acid and lactic acid can help remove dead skin cells and smooth out the skin. Unfortunately I’m not a dermatologist so I can’t say for sure what the correct treatment should be, just that AHAs have helped smooth out my skin.

      • Kristen says:

        I’m using bha

        • Kristen says:

          I’m thinking about using the Cosrx aha 7. How long should I keep it on my skin before I continue with the rest of my regimen

        • Jenny says:

          Some people say to wait at least 15-20 minutes for the actives to work, but others say no waiting is required. I personally wait only 2-3 minutes, but according to this super helpful guide, you’ll want to start with no wait time to minimize any potential irritation, then work your way up.

        • Jenny says:

          From my understanding of BHA, it’s helpful to clear out our pores and prevent acne, but if you’re looking for smoother skin, you might want to try AHA (glycolic acid, lactic acid, or the gentler mandelic acid) which helps remove dead skin and improve skin cell turnover. You’ll want to start off slow and definitely make sure to apply SPF in the morning as AHAs can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

    • Kristen says:

      I meant to say *aren’t pimples

  4. Ouma says:

    Is it just me or is everybody super impressed with COSRX products? In my opinion, that brand makes some of the best products in the market for a little price, kudos to them

    • Jenny says:

      That does seem to be the general opinion of the brand! It’s not easy to come across one that consistently makes great and affordable products! Kudos to them indeed :)

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