Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner review + 4 ways to use it

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Luchessa says:

    This is definitely a great review. What I haven’t tried doing yet, is mixing the toner with a face oil. Very interesting idea I have to say and I might do that when the colder season arrives here in Germany. Now I’m curious to test Klair’s unscented toner as well to see if it’s worth the hype or if I can easily stay with the original version.

    xo, Lu.

  2. Naya says:

    Your reviews are always so precise and on point, Jenny! I will try to look where I can get it here in Dubai, it sounds amazing! Love a good toner :)

    Naya // http://www.partyparrotblog.com

  3. These are such great tips! I never tried this before but I loved your review :)

  4. Crystal says:

    My skin is clear and smooth since I’ve been on a Korean skin care routine. The only problem is that even thought it’s smooth and soft it bright light such as in the restroom or in the sun it looks like i have small bumps on my face, mainly my forehead. Some say its white heads or closed comedones but whenever i try to pop it nothing really comes out. I’m currently using the Cosrx aha power liquid and vitamin c serum but it doesn’t seem to fix my problem. Any idea on what it is? My skin is still smooth and if i wear foundation you cant see it. Also can you give me some products to help it? It’s mostly on my temples and forehead, not the center of my face

    • Jenny says:

      Sorry, my first guess would be closed comedones as well, but I think it’s best to let a dermatologist or esthetician answer that for you. The Cosrx AHA power liquid will take time before you notice results, and you can also try adding their BHA liquid to your routine and rotating between the two. I’m not sure if vitamin c will help much in this case.

  5. Claire says:

    Have you tried the hada labo gokuyen lotion? I heard it was good as well

    • Jenny says:

      I tried it once years (like…8-9 years) ago and haven’t had a chance to retry it since it reformulated. I might give it a try sometime in the future :)

  6. Emily says:

    This sounds like a really lovely toner! I haven’t been using a toner recently, as I am just giving it a break for a bit. But I would definitely purchase this one! Sounds like it really produces great results. When I first saw your hand photos I was like DANNNG! Haha. Then I read the caption under. ;p

    -Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com

    • Jenny says:

      Haha, sorry for the misleading photo, I was shocked when I saw it myself, especially since I took it just a few seconds after the second photo! While you won’t get ridiculous brightening effects at least it’ll really hydrate your skin!

  7. Batsheva says:

    Its so versatile! That’s what I love about Korean beauty products in general–that and how cheap they are. Also that a lot of them actually work. I have yet to include a toner in my cleansing regime, as I still have to get used to double cleansing. Also, I’m lazy. But when the time is right, I will deffo invest in one. Maybe a cheaper one to start with, but I’ll be keeping this one in mind for when I really want to invest. Because you weren’t kidding, all the related post suggestions that popped up on your blog feature a Klaires product ;)


    • Jenny says:

      Haha, yeah, I bought the Klairs value set and I pretty much loved everything in there :P I do agree with you on Korean beauty products – there are so many options available you can easily find something that suits your skin type and budget!

  8. Tara says:

    I’ve not used this toner myself, but I’ve seen this around quite a bit! I am currently using the
    HADA LABO Goku-jyun Clear Lotion as a toner, and it’s been working out well for me. My face feels so much more hydrated compared the other toners I’ve been using. I’ll definitely consider Klairs in the future, though!

    • Jenny says:

      The Hada Labo toners are ones I’ve been really wanting to try, it’s much cheaper and many people seem to rave about it! :D

      • Laura says:

        I really love the klairs, but I’m wanting a cheaper dupe. Is the hada labo like klairs?

        • Jenny says:

          Hi Laura, unfortunately I haven’t tried Hada Labo so I can’t compare. However I have read that people with sensitive or inflamed skin can feel a stinging sensation when using hada labo, but I’ve never had that issue with Klairs. Again I haven’t used hada labo so I can’t say for sure if they’re comparable or not.

  9. Laura says:

    This is one of my all time favorite toners as well :)

    Pink Frenzy

  10. I was absolutely sold after I read the ingredients and then I saw your high rating for this… I am so sold! I really like that there is a value set option because I would give those a try in a heartbeat!

    • Jenny says:

      The value set was how I discovered the Klairs brand, and if you’re looking for simple quality products that hydrate + soothe your skin, I think you’ll really enjoy it :D

  11. Esnath says:

    I love how you made this so easy to read Jenny, The fact the it come in at 180mls and at an affordable price sells this tanner to me. Thanks for sharing.

    • Jenny says:

      Glad to hear that Esnath! This is definitely bigger than your typical toner size, one of the many improvements Klairs made when they reformulated :)

  12. This sounds wonderful and I love that it’s so hydrating. I love K beauty, so many are so amazing on my skin! I love the different ways you can use this, very versatile. xo

    Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com

    • Jenny says:

      I really appreciate the variety Korean brands provide as well, you can always find something that suits your skin type :) The different ways of using this toner can probably be applied to other toners as well if you want to give it a try!

  13. Sofia says:

    This sounds sooo good and such a good value!! And so good that there is no stickiness!!

    xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

  14. Liv says:

    Thanks for reviewing! This toner sounds like a little gem! I didn’t know you can even mix it with face oil. That’s such an interesting way to use it. I remember when I used to go without moisturizing after cleansing in my teenage years then adding moisturizer, but I think I’m now at an age when I don’t produce as much oil and really need a toner after cleansing! I use a package from Nature Republic and it’s light and not chemically like some of the toners my mom used to get me. I really don’t want a toner that’s so heavy that it clogs up my skin, like the rice solution from The Face Shop. (Seeing a pattern here with my brands right? Hehe.) There’s no Nature Republic in San Francisco (I think) so I do want to look into a new toner. I also don’t repurchase a lot of products either because it’s not economical or because it’s unavailable.

    • Jenny says:

      Oh which toner from Nature Republic do you use? Most of their products are readily available online, unless it’s from a line they’ve retired. The Klairs one does have a bit of viscosity to it, though it’s not heavy at all. If your skin is on the drier side I think you might like the extra hydration this one provides :)

  15. Mai says:

    Nice post Beautiful! Thanks for sharing xx
    OHIAMIHT | By Thi-Mai

  16. This is such a great post! I love the different ways you can use this :) Great photos as well xx http://www.bauchlefashion.com/2017/04/dear-couture-mothers-day-advice.html

  17. Asha says:

    I’m such a skincare freak so I will definitely be checking Klairs out since I’ve not heard of them.



  18. Samantha says:

    Whenever I hear about Klairs, it’s always their BB cream or vitamin C serum but you’ve seriously got me hooked on buying this toner. And since the ones I’ve been looking at are more around $40 *cries internally* I’m REALLY tempted to get this!

    Sam | My Beauty Cloud

    • Jenny says:

      Oh my, which toners were you looking at? I’m super curious now, haha.

      I did like the KLAIRS bb cream as well, but the one shade fits all can be a pain when I tan :/ Th vitamin c serum was ok but feels oily on the skin.

  19. Denise says:

    Oh this sounds so nice! I have a toner I use but I am not sure it has been getting the job done as much anymore. I love that this one is light and not too heavy, which would be perfect for me.

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  20. Lavanya says:

    K Beauty is not as popular in Uk as it is in the US, and as a result, it’s so hard to find such niche brands. I have a huge bucket list of the K Beauty brands I want to buy and I’m hoping Sokoglam start international shipping soon.

    • Jenny says:

      Oh I had no idea, I hope more Kbeauty retailers expand their presence to the U.K.! Wishtrend, Althea, I think eBay have free worldwide shipping so you might want to check those out!

  21. May I ask a question? It is probably an obvious one for you, but for someone trying to learn more about asian beauty, the description reminds me of that of an essence. Which point dont I get? Or is this an in between product?
    Anyhow, I added it to my to buy list on Pinterest and will see when I get around to trying it.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    • Jenny says:

      I wondered the same thing for the longest time, and after trying all these different “toners” and “essences” the lines are very blurred. A lot of toners now contain a bunch of beneficial ingredients, similar to essences, and many essences have that light watery texture similar to toners.

      I categorize this one as a toner because it does have the pH balancing function, but it can definitely work as an essence due to its great ingredients as well. Hope this makes sense!

  22. Marina Rosie says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful product with us Jenny! I love K beauty and am also quite involved with Wishtrend; I’m currently in the middle of testing a few products for review and some of them are Klairs! If you swear by this, I’m going to have to pick it up; I’m a toner junkie. What can I say, they’re just so refreshing and amazing for the skin! x
    Lots of love
    Marina Rosie xx

    • Jenny says:

      You’re so welcome Marina! Klairs really has some great products so I’m sure you’ll have a great time trying out their stuff :D This toner, their sheet mask, and the blue calming cream are my favorites!

  23. Elisa L. says:

    klairs really is something, huh. i see a lot of beauty bloggers raving about this brand. i’ve never tried klairs so i wouldn’t know. since you said this minimizes redness in the long run, it makes me even more curious! i’m currently using the naturie japan hatomugi skin conditioner as my toner and i also find that it minimizes the redness around my nose. (which is funny because it does contain alcohol in its ingredient list, only that it’s like way down there in the list so i guess it’s not as potent? i did use a toner with alcohol before and it broke me out terribly)

    anyway, i’ve been loving the lotion mask trick lately! the only downside is i use so many cotton pads for it that i have to stock lots now. but still, thanks to you, i am now a convert to lotion masking!

    • Jenny says:

      I don’t think I’ve ever heard a negative review about this toner, which is really impressive. I’ve been curious about the hatomugi skin conditioner as well because people claim it’s an affordable dupe for the Albion skin conditioner, and while I knew it had alcohol, it’s good to know that’s way down the list! :)

      So glad to hear you like lotion masking!! Have you tried using those thick fluffy cotton pads that you can peel into thinner pieces? Those work great for lotion masking :)

  24. Whitney says:

    I haven’t heard of this brand before and was looking around a new toner. I just bought a bottle of origins (my 3rd or 4th repurchase?) and was getting a bit bored. I wonder if it’s available in Canada! I feel like toner is such an important step in my routine and am always looking for better ones!

    • Jenny says:

      Totally agree, toner is important for hydrating our skin and prepping it for subsequent products. I’ve heard good things about the Origin one, but after trying some of their products I may be allergic :/ For Klairs you can try Wishtrend which has free worldwide shipping (though they’re on the pricier end) or eBay! :)

  25. would love to try Klairs!
    style frontier

  26. Cat L. says:

    Jenny, you sold me on this toner! I have seen the brand here and there on IG but wasn’t familiar with any of their products. Reformulation has the same effect on me as well (ie makes me cringe) so I’m glad to hear that this brand took notice and actually worked to improve the formula. I’ve added the toner to my skincare list!

    ~ Cat L.

  27. Alicia Mackin says:

    Oooo this sounds really good. Anything that would help with redness. Love your indepth review.

    Allie of

  28. Ugh! I want to hate you, why do you do this to me?! LOL! I’m just browsing Althea and making notes on what to buy and now you pop this on me. I like Wishtrend but I find some of the prices are slightly higher than other site (what can I say, I’m a cheapass so every cent counts!) ????. Fine, fine, fine…I’ll go check Wishtrend too. You, Anne and Mili are seriously some of the worst enablers! LOL!

    • Jenny says:

      Hahaha, this is exactly how I feel when I read your blog too! I agree with you that Wishtrend prices are on the higher end, so I always just purchase their kits when they have ones I’m interested in. They used to have 15% discount codes each month but I think they stopped giving those out, which is a real shame :/ You can also try eBay, prices are usually good there though shipping can be a &^*&^&^%.

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