Prop ideas for your Instagram

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Dee Naidoo says:

    Hi Jenny, awesome post. Love the idea of props.

  2. Steff B ✨ says:

    Really helpful tips in this, I’m definitely no expert when it comes to taking pics for my blog so I love reading things like this… I’ve recently ordered some faux flowers and wallpaper samples to get me started though. Now to find some magazines lol! X

  3. This was super helpful! I’m totally buying that contact paper now!!! Your photos are gorgeous and I’m excited to experiment with your tips!

  4. This is an excellent post. I’m so lost when it comes to props so I rarely use them but I want to incorporate more into my photos. I do want to improve on my photography. Your cat is super cute!

    Ann-Marie |

  5. Love this post! Your photos are so beautiful. I have dogs, but really want a cat. Then I could include her/him in my pics haha! Love cats, and yours is precious!

    Nida | Caked To The Nines

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks so much lovely! I would love to have a dog too, and I’ve definitely seen people incorporate their dogs as “props” :P I guess it depends on the temperament of the pet…my other cat only models when she’s in the mood, haha

  6. Great tips! I’m trying to collect props over time xx

  7. Sakura says:

    Wow nice! I was thinking of how I can make my Instagram photos look nicer and your tips are helpful!

  8. Tara says:

    These are some good tips! Thank you for sharing them. I should try to incorporate more props with my photos, but laziness kicks in for me and then when I’m out and about, props are the last thing I even consider for my photos. I do admit that props really do add to the photos, though, so when I see people using those, it really makes the photos stand out :)

    • Jenny says:

      No problem Tara! :) Setting and styling the products for the photo can definitely be time-consuming, but luckily I find it rather enjoyable!

  9. Liv says:

    OMGOSH your kitty just loves being photographed ;) he is so so beautiful! I noticed the props in your grams and was always wondering what was bringing them all together into your elegant style, so this post answered my questions! Also that marble contact paper really got me, that’s gotta be the best idea ever!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Liv! It’s lucky I have one cat that’s cooperative…the other comes and goes as she pleases! I’m so glad I found out about marble contact paper as well, it’s definitely my most used photography prop by far!

  10. Bernadette says:

    Fantastic post. I love reading about blogging tips in general and especially taking photos. Blog props definitely do help the photo look more professional. I love using artificial plants and plant stems as well as cute notebooks in blog photos.

  11. Rae says:

    Props are super important when it comes to taking staged product photos for blog! These are all great recommendations for them!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  12. This post just reminds me that I need a cat ? I suck at using props, so I sticker my photos with bald men. Almost as classy as Megan Hess art. ?

  13. remakestyle says:

    I’m not really good with flatlays and using props. Oh, I hope I’d be able to learn more about it. My photos right now are life, more plain and bland. Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot. I’ll be sure to stock up and put them all in one area so I could grab them when needed.

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks for reading lovely, glad you found it helpful! Photography is definitely something that gets better with practice, so just keep taking more flatly and they’ll definitely get better!

  14. That’s a marvelous post Jenny :) loved the way you have put this post together

  15. This is a brilliant post and one that I desperately need to learn. I am always at loss with props so ended up with plain white background. Recently I started adding more texture to my pictures but I still have ways to improve on my photography.

  16. Elisa says:

    nice post. very useful too. also, it makes me happy because it’s like yesh, you’re revealing the secret behind your amazing photos! :P

    i’ve been thinking of getting colorful papers as background too because i’m all about flat lay photography now (plus, it’s more convenient since i take blog pics in my room). i haven’t gotten the chance to browse through stationery stores though so i’ve been using my bed cover or normal white paper as my background(s). probably not the best but they’re not THAT horrifying so i’ll have to make use of the things i have.

    • Jenny says:

      Haha, thanks Elisa! ^^ White paper is actually great if you want a clean simple background, and bed cover is nice if you want texture :) But it definitely doesn’t hurt having different options!

  17. Stephanie says:

    Excellent post Jenny! This is giving me a few more ideas on what I want to showcase with my pictures! Coffee books, and marble contact paper are my must-have!

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