Love face oils? Here are 5 new ways to use them

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Shelbi Habib says:

    Love the tips you give for applying facial oils! I’m new to the world of oils as well – but recently I found Amaranth Oil and I really can’t say enough good things about this nourishing little super-oil. You should really check it out!

  2. Cat L. says:

    Jenny this is such an informative post! I adore oils and loved learning about the different ways they can be used. I think I will definitely try mixing it in with a toner, can’t believe I never thought of that. I’m also a fan of the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery and have used it for years. The Andalou oil is currently on my wish list and I’m hoping I can pick it up for Christmas! Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks! If there’s a chance I can look as flawless as you do, then you bet I’ll take it!

    ~ Cat L.

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Cat! Mixing my toner with face oil has quickly become one of my favorite ways of applying the oil, especially if the oil is on the heavier end. If you do get the Andalou Natural oil I’d love to hear your thoughts on it and how it comes with the Rosalena oil! ?

  3. Andreanne says:

    Thank you for this in depth guide…soooo many things I’ve never even thought about! I really need to go through my oils and check out the ingredients.

    • Jenny says:

      Hi Andreanne, thank you for stopping by and commenting! ? Really glad you found the guide informative, and do let me know if you end up trying any of these tips!

  4. I love facial oils and I’m an avid user of them in my skincare routine but these are also great alternative ways to use them as well.

    Ann-Marie |

  5. wow so cool! i do not have dry skin so face oils have not been something ive ever needed or wanted to try. there is this dark black charcoal mask i am looking to get my hands on though, i just cant think of the name of it lol silly me! seems like a lot of steps for the oils though..

    • Jenny says:

      Hi Cassie, thanks for stopping by and commenting! Is the charcoal mask by Origins? They’re the most famous black charcoal mask I know of ??

      Oh and these are 5 different ways to use face oils, you definitely don’t have to (and probably shouldn’t) do all 5, unless your skin is really, really, REALLY dry ?

  6. Elisa says:

    I’ve always thought that using oil on my combination skin would be disastrous that’s why I never bother about trying it out. I know i know, oil combats oil right? But i was never interested in the idea hahaha probably because it still sounds so weird and gross to me. I do, however, am interested in applying multipurpose oil on my body for my eczema dry patches. Have you ever done that? I wonder if that works.

    Anyway, this is a good face oil hack post even though i don’t use em myself. Very informative and patiently written as per usual :D

    • Jenny says:

      Thanks for stopping by Elisa! It’s definitely one of those things that you have to get over mentally to start using it, especially if you have oily/combo skin ? my body doesn’t get as dry as my face, so usually body lotion is enough. I would imagine the effects would be the same though!

  7. Like usual, your post is so thorough and informative! I’ve stayed away from face oils because I hate that oily film on my skin! I’ve been warming the oil on my hands before applying and that seems to take care of the issue right away.

    I didn’t know you could leave parts of the face instead of all over!

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you so much Stephanie!! :) Warming the oil in our hands is another great tip because the heat helps our skin absorb products better. I do that as well and give my face a mini massage while I’m at it!

  8. Hon i feel so quilty that I never visited your blog before (but always checking your IG) because it is beautiful! Okay, back to the topic: I was already doing step 1! Isnt that the most common way to use oils? How do they do it in the normal Western way?:P and step 4 is something I learned from you a while ago! U posted a pic of one of your sheetmasks with the Kiehls oil and that was the moment I got addicted to this routine! Thank you for intrducing me to this amazing oil/sheetmask hack~!

    XX An |

    • Jenny says:

      Hi An!! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, much appreciated! <3

      Maybe it's just the US, but the idea was to always apply face oils at the end of your routine because oils are heavier and can help seal in moisture - which I guess is only true for certain oils. And yes, I started applying the Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate under my mask a while back because it seemed to make my masks absorb better, but I had no idea why until I started writing this post :P

      Have a great day!!

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