Toner for your scalp? The Younghee Essential Rinse review

Written by Jenny Wu
Jenny Wu

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  1. Tara says:

    Ooooh! This looks like something I would like to use on my own scalp! Thanks for introducing this to me! I will definitely keep this in mind for future purchases ^^

  2. Merel van Poorten says:

    I really need to get my hands on this product! Sounds amazing!

    X Merel

  3. Can’t get over your site Jenny, it looks amazing! This sounds like such a fascinating product, I’ll have to try it sometime!

    S | Je M’appelle Chanel

  4. This is so true! I use a Tea Tree Shampoo once or twice a month to help with my scalp and product buildup. I would love to try this. Very interesting. Great post Jenny!

  5. Sam Hodgett says:

    What an peculiar product, I’ve never tried scalp exfoliators or toners and perhaps that’s the reason why my hair looks pretty dull so will check into this more!

    • Jenny says:

      Hopefully products like this will become more mainstream in the future, especially since so many shampoos seem to either leave residue in the hair or strips the scalp dry :(

  6. Veron says:

    They have such a sleek packaging. I would love to try a scalp toner too! It’s the first time I’m hearing about them and I’m all for it. Healthy scalp is really the key to great hair. Just kinda like how good soil is the key to a good plant.

    Joy to the World

    • Jenny says:

      That’s a great analogy Veron! Honestly I never thought I even needed a scalp toner until I started using one, and now I’m like “what was I doing before this??”, haha

  7. This is such an interesting product. I am not yet sold on scalp scrubs, but toner? Wow, keep going haha Just like you, I am very cautious about scalp, but since I am a swimmer who spends a lot of time in chlorine – I would probably use a product like this to make sure that there is no nasty residue left on those follicles. Will try to find this range in Dubai, wish me luck! x

    • Jenny says:

      I used to swim a lot too so I understand your concern for chlorine, I feel like a lot of products focus on protecting our strands against chlorine, but not our scalp, so a clarifying toner can be a good solution. Fingers crossed for you Naya!

  8. Sal UmmBaby says:

    I agree. It start with scalp care and I’ve only recently started taking care of mine. These sound great and I know I would enjoy incorporating these into my hair care routine.Thanks for a thorough review xxx

    • Jenny says:

      Thank you for reading Sal! It’s exciting to see more brands focus on scalp care, so hopefully we’ll have even more product options in the future!

  9. Yes I totally agree that a healthy scalp = healthy hair. Scalp toner is something new to me though I do use an apple cider clarifying rinse on my hair every other week to remove buildup. I guess this is a similar concept. Glad to hear it’s worked out well for you Jenny! TBH I think a healthy scalp starts with not overwashing your hair and allowing the natural oils to regulate. It was such a revelation when I cut back my hair washing to just 1 – 2x/week.

    • Jenny says:

      i try not to wash my hair too often as well, though I remember telling a girl that I didn’t wash my hair everyday and she had the most horrified look on her face ???? I’m curious to try the apple cider rinse though to see how it compares with this product, I heard it’s great for making your hair shiny too!

  10. Alyssa says:

    You got me on the word clarifying! This is actually the first time I heard about scalp toner and it sounds great because most women uses a lot of products in their hair and some are not actually getting remove by shampoos especially if the products they use have silicons. This product sounds amazing, I wish they’re available in my country :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

    • Jenny says:

      Hopefully they expand to more countries in the future, or other brands come out with something similar! And I agree, I double shampoo sometimes, but then I feel like that strips my hair too much. The struggles are real!

  11. Kiri Yanchenko says:

    Oh clarifying is such an awesome word.
    I really hate that feeling of product left on your skin when a cleanser doesn’t wash off properly.
    I have used a few cleansers that do that.
    So I agree; I think the fact that you had such good results means your everyday shampoo is sticking around.
    I also condition before I shampoo because I don’t like my hair weighed down.
    These products sound great!
    What shampoo do you use normally?
    I use Akin – a natural australian brand.
    Set to Glow

  12. Sam says:

    ooh, I like the way the clarifying one sounds for your hair! although a hair toner sounds cool, I don’t personally think I need one, so I’ll skip on it, but I’ve been intrigued by the apple cider vinegar! apparently it’s amazing for everything – body, skin, hair. I guess it’s not surprising that the one with acv felt like it was actually doing something!

    sam / My Beauty Cloud

    • Jenny says:

      I’ve heard a lot of good things about ACV as well, I used to mix a bit in my water and it’s great for the digestive system! I’m definitely curious to see how using that would compare to this product!

  13. Marina Rosie says:

    I love the sound of the clarifying one – it’s a shame they don’t ship outside the US! x I had no clue you could get this type of product for the scalp but I’ll definitely need to try something similar with apple cider vinegar in it. I love apple cider vinegar for my face masks in skincare but it seems to be useful across the board. You made me laugh with the running water part – I don’t BUDGE once I’m under in fear that I’ll get hypothermia haha! x
    Marina xx

    • Jenny says:

      Hopefully they’ll make this available globally or other brands will release something similar soon! It seems like ACV is a great all-around beauty ingredient, I heard it can make your hair really shiny too!

  14. Emily says:

    I have never heard of a scalp toner!! I am kind of intrigued now haha. I think this would be great for all the product build up I get. It drives me insane! Other than that, I think my scalp is pretty healthy. Thanks for sharing these!


    • Jenny says:

      You’re welcome Emily! Using this scalp toner is definitely less drying and stripping than shampooing twice, which is what I used to do!

  15. Becky says:

    woah, who knew there were so many products for the scalp?! i literally just use shampoo+conditioner, haha. i’m pretty sure shampoos do leave residue, though – nourishing ones especially. i’ve used ACV before with the no ‘poo method, dunno if it actually did anything haha. plus i didn’t like my hair smelling like vinegar every time it rained or every time i sweat a lot!

    becky @ star violet

    • Jenny says:

      Right?? There are scalp serums too, so I guess it was only a matter of time before someone came out with a toner, haha. I heard ACV is supposed to make your hair really shiny, but yeah, the strong scent would bother me too, so good thing this one doesn’t smell too strongly! ????

  16. Shireen says:

    Interesting and now you definitely got me intrigued with the Clarifying Essential Rinse. I also checked their site but unfortunately they don’t offer any shipping outside US for now. :-( No kidding about the DIY part, I’m tired of people telling others to use baking soda, lemon juice onto their face, honestly leave it to the professional is best.

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    • Jenny says:

      Oh goodness, don’t even get me started on the baking soda crap, I roll my eyes every time I see a post on Pinterest for that ???? The most recent “DIY” I saw was to use Dawn dish soap as face wash ???? Hopefully this will be available globally soon or other brands will release something similar!

  17. I need something like this as I hate product build up and it plays havoc with your scalp x

  18. Merel van Poorten says:

    These products look amazing!! Love it <3

    X Merel

  19. sometimes i think about all these products for our skin, body and hair and i’m just so…baffled by the amount of variety there is that i cannot help but feel these are just marketing gimmicks from brands. a scalp toner sounds sensible though and tbh, this post made me go, “bless the ‘lifestyle’ cashcow brands for releasing something that might actually work!” you know? xD

    also, when i first saw the title, i immediately think about the classic old hair tonic. i thought, if they invented hair tonic and marketed it so well back in the days, it’s not surprising to see brands coming out with ‘scalp toner’ despite how fancy it sounds. how would you compare this to a hair tonic? i used to use hair tonic but i wasn’t diligent about it. i slowly stopped using hair tonic because laziness turned into a habit and i don’t really believe in tonics. BUT, i DO believe in healthy scalp. i don’t think my scalp is well taken care of though, even though i use stuff like conditioner, mask and thermal protector diligently :))
    i used to think that the only way to remove residue from my scalp is to use a clarifying, sulfate free shampoo but apparently, not all sulfate free shampoo products are lovely. some makes me feel like my hair isn’t cleansed thoroughly and gah, i hate it!

    it’s also funny how the packaging has a pump because like you said, i can’t imagine a toner (tonic?) with a pump! now that’s oddly interesting. i think it’s also very practical to avoid spill (speaking from personal experience of over spilling hair tonic in my scalp years ago lol)

    i personally don’t feel like i’m buying the whole hair toner thing – or maybe that’s just an excuse i tell myself so i don’t go on a shopping spree. theoretically, it makes sense to me but a part of me is still so skeptical! still, i enjoyed this review though and it’s nice to know that the product works for you. in fact, this kind of sort of makes me wanna try the innisfree green tea mint fresh scalp scaler which, i think, is sort of like a tonic / toner kind of thing (i might be wrong though.) whether it really does work or not, i think having that minty sensation in your scalp is just A+. i love that tingling feeling!

    similarly, i never used apple cider vinegar. in fact, i don’t really ever use natural DIY products for my skincare. i tried using coconut milk for my hair once but ugh, i think it was too much protein that my hair felt greasy and limpless even after shampooing twice. i know natural ingredients is great and all but i just can’t be bothered haha

    • Jenny says:

      LOL at your ‘bless the ‘lifestyle’ cashcow brands’ comment! I agree, sometimes a product just sounds gimmicky and ridiculous, so it’s nice when they release one that makes sense. About hair tonics, I never really understood what they were. Are they for the hair or for the scalp? I tried one from Bumble & Bumble and ended up returning it because it actually made my scalp greasier D:

      I try to keep my shampoos sulfate-free as well, but you’re right, some of them do a horrible job of cleansing the hair. I think they’d work for those with dry scalp/dry hair, but for my normal/oily scalp/dry hair combo it’s horrendous. I think that’s why the hair toner worked for me, it addressed my scalp issues without stripping my hair dry the same way a clarifying shampoo would. But this is definitely a YMMV kinda situation, so I can see scalp toners not being for everyone.

      I had no idea Innisfree had something similar, though now I’m curious, what’s a scalp scaler? I do like both green tea and mint, and you’re right, the cooling sensation would feel great on the scalp!

  20. I have used apple cider vinegar (and liked te results) when I was at home with the kids. Now I have to second your statement on DIY anything: Ain´t nobody got time for that. At least not with kids, job and blog.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

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